
Lip Tattoo Aftercare & Healing Process

What can I expect after?

Day 1 (Day of the Procedure)

  • The day of the treatment: Gently blot the area with clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing.

  • Do this every 15 minutes until oozing has stopped.

  • Before bed, if the lips still have some dry lymph, rinse with lukewarm water, gently removing the dry lymph, pat dry and apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment or aftercare ointment that I provided to you.

  • Use a fresh clean pillowcase before bed.


  • Do not eat for at least one (1) hour after the procedure.

  • Try to refrain from licking lips immediately after procedure

  • You might want to drink with a straw and use a spoon to introduce food into the mouth for the first 24 hours.

  • Rinse lips with warm water after every meal. Keep absolutely clean.

  • Your lips will feel chapped/itchy for a few days. Applying recommend ointment will help eliminate this feeling.

Sometimes the lips can bruise even after the procedure.

Bruising will subside within 24 hours post procedure.

Days 2 - 7

  • The lips may be swollen the second day as well. You may apply an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to the area for 15 minute sessions to help with swelling.

  • Keep the skin moist at all times, do not let the lips dry out. Continue to apply ointment throughout the day.

  • Apply just enough Aquaphor ointment (or ointment I provided to you) to your lips to keep them moist. Be sure not to over-apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing.

  • Do not apply anything besides Aquaphor ointment or the ointment I provided to you (no Vaseline, antibiotic creams, Polysporin etc).

  • Again, do NOT let the lips dry out.

During Day 1 to Day 7 (or until the scabs are gone)

Please Avoid:

  • Avoid topical makeup including sunscreen on the area for 14 days

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks

  • Sun exposure/sunbathing - 14 days

  • Avoid excessive sweating/perspiration (working out) -- 7-10 days

  • Skin care products, makeup and exfoliation to the area

  • Sauna - 7-10 days

  • Pools (oceans, lakes) - 7-10 days

  • Spicy food - 7-10 days

  • Kissing (until scabs are gone)

  • DO NOT pick the dry lips.

  • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days 

No touching the area (picking, scratching, pulling) while they are healing.
Your lips will flake slightly. Do not try to remove it vigorously with a washcloth or cotton swab.
Let flaking occur naturally.
Early removal of flakes/scabs may result in areas with pigment loss.

Following the procedure, do not use creams that contain acids or ingredients that will lighten or exfoliate the skin.

Touchups (if needed) can be done no sooner than 6-8 weeks after the original appointment.

  • Results vary with every client, there are no guarantees the pigment will stay, or for how long. Everyone is different. You can lose 40%- 50% of pigment during the healing process. Pigment can lighten or fade entirely. This is why the 6-8 week perfecting touch-up is super important.